4:40pm - VALE BILL CAMER HANDICAP | 1350m | | i

Prizemoney $160000
Restrictions Three-Years-Old and Upwards
Class BenchMark 78
Weight Handicap
Apprentice can claim

Mike Wood
The 3YO filly INFATUATION should get to the lead if she wants and she is a very game sprinter, but she still has to tick off the 1350m box. POWERFUL PEG a solid each-way play if the track isn't playing too hard "rails in run". CONRAD a decent roughie and SALTCOATS is worth a close look in the yard. He's a talented Kiwi that will probably be even better on wet ground.

Quick Tips

Analyst: Powerful Peg
Horse Expert: Powerful Peg
Bookie Battler: Conrad

Gear Changes

No gear changes.

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